HowToBasic Wiki

How to Quickly Defrost a Turkey is the 474th episode of HowToBasic.


There is a raw turkey on a chopping board. HowToBasic throws eggs and uses a blowtorch to burn it. The smoke alarm goes off! He bashes the turkey with a shovel, before he goes to a park, where he puts it into foil, and pours some coal. He does a devilish laugh as it burns. He throws the turkey into a lake. He then goes to a Woolworths hypermarket (located at Westfield Carousel, an out-of-town shopping centre in Perth) and gets another turkey. When he returns home, there is a flashback to 10 years ago, made with stop-motion animation. A turkey drives a JCB and another steals his eggs. One gets a knife when he gets shot. The turkey is covered in blood! The turkeys are voiced by IDubbbzTV and MaxMoeFoe. Finally, HowToBasic does a thumbs-up.
